

The Division of Nephrology has research faculty members based at Stanford University and the Veterans Affairs Palo Alto Health Care with active research programs in basic, translational, and clinical science.  Emeritus faculty also contribute to the research and educational missions of the Division.  In addition, the Division has close ties and shared training with the Division of Pediatric Nephrology at Lucille Packard Children’s Hospital, whose full-time faculty members also have dynamic research programs.

Basic & Translational Research

Research activities in the Division of Nephrology truly range from bench to bedside.  Bench research is conducted not only in the laboratories of our own Division but also in collaboration with other laboratories at Stanford University.

Clinical Research

The Division’s clinical research programs are active and growing rapidly. In his research program, Glenn Chertow, MD, applies principles of clinical epidemiology, health services research, decision sciences and clinical trials to major problems in acute and chronic kidney disease (CKD).

Clinical Trials

View the current clinical trials within the Division of Nephrology.